Mobile Application
Mobile Application
Brand Design
Brand Design
Product Designer
Product Designer
1 product lead
5 designers
9 engineers
1 product lead
5 designers
9 engineers
January - April 2024
January - April 2024
Couplet is a Boston-based dating app that strives to create connection based on mutual interests in the form of events. Making every first date a date worthwhile.
Alongside 4 other designers at Generate we worked for 4 months to create an app that strives to encourage the younger population to attend more Boston-based art events.
Couplet is a Boston-based dating app that strives to create connection based on mutual interests in the form of events. Making every first date a date worthwhile.
Alongside 4 other designers at Generate we worked for 4 months to create an app that strives to encourage the younger population to attend more Boston-based art events.

What is Couplet?
What is Couplet?
Couplet aims to redefine the dating app experience by moving away from the typical swipe culture. The app focuses on creating genuine connections among users based on shared experiences rather than superficial appearances. The goal is to provide a contemporary platform for fostering authentic relationships, be it romantic or platonic.
Couplet aims to redefine the dating app experience by moving away from the typical swipe culture. The app focuses on creating genuine connections among users based on shared experiences rather than superficial appearances. The goal is to provide a contemporary platform for fostering authentic relationships, be it romantic or platonic.

How do we get younger crowds into the arts?
How do we get younger crowds into the arts?
Couplet aims to redefine the dating app experience by moving away from the typical swipe culture. The app focuses on creating genuine connections among users based on shared experiences rather than superficial appearances. The goal is to provide a contemporary platform for fostering authentic relationships, be it romantic or platonic.
Couplet aims to redefine the dating app experience by moving away from the typical swipe culture. The app focuses on creating genuine connections among users based on shared experiences rather than superficial appearances. The goal is to provide a contemporary platform for fostering authentic relationships, be it romantic or platonic.
Go to dates to events around Boston
Increased numbers of attendees
Increased numbers of attendees
Continue use of app to find more events or more dates
Continue use of app to find more events or more dates
Go to dates to events around Boston
Curate an app that matches people based on mutual events, creating a fun first date for users and more participation in local events.
Curate an app that matches people based on mutual events, creating a fun first date for users and more participation in local events.

Couplet proposes a dual solution: a mobile app that connects people through shared interests in events rather than superficial swipes. By integrating event data from sources like ArtsBoston into a modern, user-friendly interface, Couplet encourages users to discover and attend local events together, fostering genuine relationships and community involvement. The app will feature user and event-matching systems, creating a dynamic and engaging way to explore local culture and meet like-minded individuals.
Couplet proposes a dual solution: a mobile app that connects people through shared interests in events rather than superficial swipes. By integrating event data from sources like ArtsBoston into a modern, user-friendly interface, Couplet encourages users to discover and attend local events together, fostering genuine relationships and community involvement. The app will feature user and event-matching systems, creating a dynamic and engaging way to explore local culture and meet like-minded individuals.
Competitor Research
Competitor Research
Trying to break into an already saturated industry like dating apps may strike as a risky move for the founders, however, combining dating with event planning, a whole new niche in the market is formed.
Trying to break into an already saturated industry like dating apps may strike as a risky move for the founders, however, combining dating with event planning, a whole new niche in the market is formed.









Going on dates and planning for events should be fun and bright.
Going on dates and planning for events should be fun and bright.

The user-flow of this app was the most critical part of its creation. Juggling between our client’s ask of having both a dating app AND an event finding app, we designers sought to find a way to highlight the functional task of finding the event and planning the first date.
The user-flow of this app was the most critical part of its creation. Juggling between our client’s ask of having both a dating app AND an event finding app, we designers sought to find a way to highlight the functional task of finding the event and planning the first date.

Two tickets intersecting each other to create a heart. Both alluding to events that you can go to and the possibility that you will be able to find love on this app as well.
Two tickets intersecting each other to create a heart. Both alluding to events that you can go to and the possibility that you will be able to find love on this app as well.
Purple and red were chosen as our main colors with an emphasis on gradients and adding personality through 3D elements.
Purple and red were chosen as our main colors with an emphasis on gradients and adding personality through 3D elements.

Traditional social and dating apps often prioritize superficial connections, leading to unsatisfactory experiences. Additionally, local events, especially those organized by nonprofits, need more visibility and engagement, particularly with younger audiences. This disconnect hampers personal connections and affects the vibrancy and financial stability of local cultural and nonprofit sectors.
Traditional social and dating apps often prioritize superficial connections, leading to unsatisfactory experiences. Additionally, local events, especially those organized by nonprofits, need more visibility and engagement, particularly with younger audiences. This disconnect hampers personal connections and affects the vibrancy and financial stability of local cultural and nonprofit sectors.

An app for the people and for the arts.
An app for the people and for the arts.
As an application, Couplet goes beyond the conventional dating app model. It aspires to catalyze meaningful connections while contributing to the local economy and addressing the needs of nonprofits and small businesses. Couplet is a purpose-driven platform dedicated to facilitating genuine connections and positively impacting communities.
As an application, Couplet goes beyond the conventional dating app model. It aspires to catalyze meaningful connections while contributing to the local economy and addressing the needs of nonprofits and small businesses. Couplet is a purpose-driven platform dedicated to facilitating genuine connections and positively impacting communities.
Traditional social and dating apps often prioritize superficial connections, leading to unsatisfactory experiences. Additionally, local events, especially those organized by nonprofits, need more visibility and engagement, particularly with younger audiences. This disconnect hampers personal connections and affects the vibrancy and financial stability of local cultural and nonprofit sectors.
Not a traditional dating app.
Not a traditional dating app.
Traditional social and dating apps often prioritize superficial connections, leading to unsatisfactory experiences. Additionally, local events, especially those organized by nonprofits, need more visibility and engagement, particularly with younger audiences. This disconnect hampers personal connections and affects the vibrancy and financial stability of local cultural and nonprofit sectors.