Mobile Application

User Research


Product Designer


Oct - Dec 2024






TAYO is a transportation app for older adults especially located in Koreatown Los Angeles. Book a TAYO using your favorited locations. So TAYO (please get on!).

How might we... help older users who need help navigating transportation?


Creating a mobile app for older adults

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, the older generation is often left behind when it comes to designing digital solutions. This can leave older individuals feeling disconnected and underserved—especially when it comes to something as essential as transportation

As our population ages, the need for accessible, reliable, and user-friendly transportation solutions becomes more critical than ever. I decided to create a mobile transportation app specifically tailored for older adults because I’ve witnessed firsthand the challenges many face in staying mobile and independent.


A transportation app for aging population.

Public transportation can be daunting, traditional ride-share platforms often lack the simplicity and accessibility they require, and relying solely on family or friends isn’t always feasible.

Ta - yo


Korean for “please get on”

TAYO restores independence to older adults by offering a reliable and user-friendly transportation solution tailored to their needs. For caregivers, TAYO offers a peace of mind with its integrated safety checks and features. The app not only fosters a sense of independence for older adults but also builds a bridge of trust and connection between them and their families, helping everyone feel supported.


Background Research

The older generation, consisting of ages 65-80, has been recorded to have less confidence when interacting with new technology like phones. Nearly nine out of 10 Americans (89% of those 50-plus and 90% of those 18-49) own a smart phone, according to the national survey conducted online in the fall of 2023(AARP). However, most have never properly learned how to navigate the ever changing technology.

User Research

The inspiration for this app comes from a deeply personal place. We were encouraged to speak to the older adults in our lives when thinking about the purpose of our app. As a non-native English speaker, my grandma has often struggled to navigate traditional transportation services and digital platforms. Watching her face these challenges sparked a realization: older adults, particularly those with language barriers, are often overlooked in the design of modern apps and services. The beginning user research for this project led to the creation of TAYO.

Competitive Research

Los Angeles, California is not known for its mobility nor walkability. Especially for older adults who may have trouble navigating schedules and waiting at bus stops. Ride share apps like Uber and Lyft offer door to door transportation but the UI is not as user-friendly for people not used to technology.

Accessibility. Safety. Ease of use.

Hero journey

The Hero’s Journey framework was created using my halmeoni’s story and the transformative solution provided by TAYO. Full view can be seen in the Figma presentation linked below.


Yellow reminiscent of taxis and the yellow canary flower that represents Korea, I chose this yolk-like color as the primary color of the app. A darker almost ashy brown replaces black as the selective color. Blue was chosen to replicate the always sunny California sky. Noto Sans has various fonts that can easily support multiple languages. I chose the Korean one as my main font but in the future the fonts can vary depending on the spoken language chosen.

Differentiating features

The riders will mainly comprise of older adults especially those whom English is not their first language, so extra steps were taken to make sure that these issues were seen and solved within the onboarding and interaction of the app.

For you and your loved ones

TAYO empowers older adults by giving them the freedom to stay mobile and independent, allowing them to navigate their world with confidence and ease. At the same time, it provides peace of mind for caregivers, offering features like real-time trip updates and notifications to ensure their loved ones are safe and supported every step of the way.

Rider View

Caregiver View


New Years

This app concept grew out of those conversations, rooted in empathy and a desire to bridge gaps. By prioritizing simplicity, accessibility, and features like multilingual support and caregiver collaboration, this app aims to empower older adults to maintain their independence and stay connected with the world around them. Whether it’s running errands, attending appointments, or visiting loved ones, TAYO provides a reliable and stress-free solution tailored specifically to their needs.


Testing and implementation

TAYO was created as a project for my Mobile Design Interaction class but it quickly became something more important and personal to me. In the future, I would love to delve deeper into the specific design needs an older adult needs thats not just font size adjusting. Perhaps a text to speech or an AI assistant feature in the near future. After presenting my final product some feedback I got was to look into animations to provide the riders with a sense of accomplishment when successfully taking a ride with the app.